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Plain Text Horizontal Style DHTML Menu Bar

Plain Text Horizontal Style DHTML Menu Bar
The Plain Text Horizontal Style DHTML Menu Bar is probably the most common of all the Milonic DHTML/JavaScript menus and is one that probably will be used the most frequently.

The Plain Text Horizontal Style DHTML Menu Bar is added to the web page completely independent of all other HTML objects and can be positioned on the page in a number of ways. This menu consists solely of text with only the addition of a small arrow image to denote that a sub menu is available.

Absolute positioning for this menu is achieved by setting a Top & Left value in the data file. This will position the menu in exactly the same location on all web browsers.

If you need to position the menu relative to other HTML objects or relative to page dimensions, you can use one of the many menu positioning techniques that are built into the Milonic DHTML Menu. You can also declare the main menus position as "relative" with the "position" parameter. All of the parameters for menus must be entered after the menus with(milonic=new menuname("menuname")){ declaration and before any menu items have been declared. For more details on menu properties, please visit the menu properties page here: Menu Properties Quick Reference

The "screenposition" parameter will set the menu to one of 3 vertical and/or one of 3 horizontal positions. left, center, right or top, middle, bottom as can be seen in the Menu Positioning With Offsets sample menu. You can also combine a horizontal position with a vertical position. for example screenposition="center;middle"; will position the menu in the center of your page and keep it there, even if the user resizes the browser window. Please note the use of semi colons to separate the 2 properties. Additional tweaking of the position can be achieved by using offsets. These are declared for the top & left properties. All offsets must be enclosed inside quotes and the syntax is left="offset=-100"; or top="offset=200"; an example of a menu that has a screen position of center with a left offset is as follows:

with(milonic=new menuname("Main Menu")){
aI("showmenu=Samples;text=Menu Samples;");

In order to set the position of the menu to relative, you will need to declare a position of "relative" within the menu parameter area with position="relative"; This will allow you to embed the menu inside a table cell or within the natural flow of the document. Please note that table based menus will need to have the sub menus built outside the table cell to allow for 100% browser compatibility. Internet Explorer for the Apple Mac will have trouble unless the steps found here tablemenu.php are not adhered to.

Samples of even more positioning can be found on the following menu samples Attached to a Table Cell and Positioned with Offsets

  • Dynamic Downloads are possible for the Plain Text Horizontal Style DHTML Menu Bar demo
  • The code for this menu sample will be generated on the fly and compiled into a .ZIP file format for downloading onto your own machine.

Click here to download this sample

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