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If you already have an account, click on the Log-In button in the top left hand corner.Or follow this link:
If you do not have an account you will need to create one. Purchasing a menu will automatically create a user account but if you would like a FREE of CHARGE account, you can register your details here:
Please Note: If the text in the left colum still states that you are not logged in, even though you have entered your details, please ensure that you have the correct cookie settings and that is allowed to set cookies on your machine.
Also, note that some options in My Milonic are only available to customers who have bought Milonic DHTML Web Products and have at least a valid Medium Support contract
Milonic provide full featured pull down web menus for some of the worlds largest companies
Learn about how Milonic's DHTML menus can benefit your site
What does it cost? DHTML Menu prices
Who is using us?
Sample Client list
Bespoke menu design and build service from the Milonic team
Our bolt-on modules provide free optional extras for specialist projects
Free icons and images for all licensed users with our Menu Imagepack
What is Milonic up to at the moment? Check our blog
Learn about how Milonic's DHTML menus can benefit your site
What does it cost? DHTML Menu prices
Who is using us?
Sample Client list
Bespoke menu design and build service from the Milonic team
Our bolt-on modules provide free optional extras for specialist projects
Free icons and images for all licensed users with our Menu Imagepack
What is Milonic up to at the moment? Check our blog